What is healthcare sharing?

A community of believers sharing the burden of healthcare.

Biblical Tradition

For thousands of years, Christians have come together to care for each other and carry each other's burdens.

Galatians 6:2. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Biblical Traditions

Modern Fulfillment

ShareNet is simply the modern fulfillment of the Biblical teaching to love your neighbor. Using industry-leading technology, members build a strong community and voluntarily share and pay each other’s medical bills.

Modern Fulfillment

A Sharing Community

When a member has a medical expense eligible for sharing under our Membership Guidelines, that member is matched with other members to pay the expense. It's really that straightforward.

ShareNet is a community whose members hold a common set of beliefs and are committed to sharing the burden of each other’s medical expenses.  

Sharing community

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